Burnt or caramelized cantaloupe and its healing properties

The reheated or melted candy, which is used in the treatment of many diseases, is called burnt candy(persian nabat) burnt candy(persian nabat) When sugar and water are placed in special bottles in the process of candy(persian nabat) production, after a certain period of time, three products are produced in the first stage: candy board or […]

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The properties of brown sugarcane(persian nabat) and its incredible benefits

    Brown candy(persian nabat)  and its properties Brown sugarcane is one of the types of sugarcane, a special and attractive vegetable. The brown color of this sugarcane is due to the use of sugarcane and molasses (sugar juice obtained in the sugar production process) Since brown candy(persian nabat)  is made from brown sugar, it is […]

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Pred Nabat (Diamond Nabat), simple, excellent saffron

The candy( Persian nabat)of this attractive product is always accompanied by tea and teas in Iranian families Since the vegetable was consumed for the first time in Iran, it has many varieties. One of the different types of vegetable is Pard Nabat) Persian nabat), which is one of the by-products of the vegetable. This type […]

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What is the nature of the sweets(persian nabat) in dental medicine ?

The sweets(persian nabat)  of this crystallized product has a warm character, this product, which is called a masterpiece of traditional medicine, is very useful for cold-tempered people, who can use this effective product to remove the coldness of their body. Of course, traditional medicine doctors recommend the sweets for this purpose. Consume it in the […]

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Is it better to consume candy or sugar and where are the places to consume candy?

Nabat (Candy) is a type of confectionery product that is obtained from relatively large crystals of sugar. This Iranian product is especially popular among traditional doctors and they use it to treat many diseases, including coldness. It should be said; Nabat in Iranian culture means sweet life. For this reason, sweets and sugar are the […]

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